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Public Keys

My public keys for encryption, signing and authentication.

OpenPGP #

OpenPGP can be used for encryption of mail messages and files. I’m using it to digitally sign email messages, files and code commits.

Modern email client software, like Thunderbird, will retrieve the public key automatically, based on my email address.

User ID: Alain Wolf <>
Key ID: 0x722389E427362DC5
Fingerprint: 5143 E0D3 C00C 9DB4 55BD  FD76 7223 89E4 2736 2DC5
Created: January 29, 2022
Expires: December 11, 2025
Algorithm & Size: RSA 4096 bits

Download OpenPGP Key

To ensure that a key actually belongs to a specific person, the fingerprint should be checked. Ideally, this happens during a personal meeting.

On Android smartphones with the OpenKeychain app installed you can use the following QR-Code to add my public key into your keyring:

OpenPGP QR Code


The follwoing personal certificate can be used to send me encrypted S/MIME mail messages and verify messages or documents I have digitally signed with.

The certficate has been issued by WiseID. It’s WiseKey certificate authority is trusted by all web-browsers, mail clients and operating systems.

Identity: Alain Wolf
Verified by: WISeKey CertifyID Personal GB CA 3
Expires: October 20, 2026
C (Country): CH
CN (Common Name): Alain Wolf
EMAIL (Email Address):

The issuer has verified my name, email-address, country and identity in an online process using my national ID card.

You can download the certificate and import it into your mail app or operating system:

Certificate Download

SSH Public Key #

I use my OpenPGP key to authenticate against SSH servers too.

If you already have verified and trust my OpenPGP key, you can also safely trust my SSH key.

To allow me to access your systems trough SSH, you can export my OpenPGP key as SSH key:

# My user ID on your system (change as needed)
$ _SSH_USER=wolf

# Search and install my OpenPGP key
$ gpg --search-keys 0x722389E427362DC5

# Export and install my SSH key
$ gpg --export-ssh-key 0x722389E427362DC5 \
    | sudo -u $_SSH_USER tee -a /home/${_SSH_USER}/.ssh/authorized_keys

On Ubuntu Linux systems you can get my public key from either Launchpad or GitHub:

# Launchpad
ssh-import-id lp:awolf

# GitHub
ssh-import-id gh:alainwolf

Altenatively you can download my SSH public key:

SSH Key Download (4096 bits RSA)

WireGuard VPN #

For VPN connections with WireGuard, you can use this WireGuard public key of my personal computer:
